Thursday, June 26, 2014

Black and white during that night

Outfit of the day:

Clutch - BCBGeneration
Cardigan - Bebe
Romper - Bebe
Flats - Calvin Klein

As for this look, I love it a LOT! This is 100% me. All clothing items are very comfortable, especially the shoes in which you can walk days and nights without care about blisters. :)


Что касается этого лука, мне он безумно нравится! Такой стиль одежды мне очень близок. Это я на все 100%.
Кардиган с кожаным комбинезоном весьма удобны. Что же касается обуви, то это просто чудо! В них можно гулять день и ночь, не заботясь о мазолях. :)



  1. Very sleek, retro look-- an outfit that makes me feel nostalgic, for some reason! This look harmonizes well with your soft complexion.

    Photo #4 is fashion-mag worthy to me. Your figure is so prominent against the soft, distant background, and the colors you chose contrast from each other in a way that doesn't distract from the composition-- the combination is rather distinct. Dig that blue clutch; the texture looks playful and enticing for the eyes and hands))

  2. Ohh, thank you so much for such compliments!


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